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Located in Caretaker’s Way, less than 20 feet from Wrigley Field, Lucky Dorr fields a unique collection of one-off collaboration brews from local breweries, including  Begyle, Noon Whistle,  Maplewood,  Lake Effect,  Old Irving Brewing, Illuminated Brew Works, Alarmist, Crystal Lake Brewing.

Lucky Dorr was concepted and created, and is managed by Folkart.  As a leading, craft-driven hospitality management group, Folkart is focused on operational excellence, state of the art design and a deep-seated commitment to locally sourced ingredients. To learn more, please visit us at

At Lucky Dorr, we actively contribute to every aspect of the collaborations, discussing style, recipe, hops, and name with each brewery before brewing. After we have each collaboration just right, we join the brewery and help brew the beer.  We are proud to share every pint.